Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wilderness Park

I wanted to take some cool scenery shots of the boys for my Fly Little Guy blog that I write for.  So we headed to Wilderness Park.  I made sure to pack a few quarters each for the boys to buy some duck food.  They had such a great time feeding those darn ducks!  Ry said "I will take pictures for you, but first we need to feed the ducks."  Fair enough..
Once again, with that face Trevin!
Sweet Ryden
These boys sat for about 20 minutes and had a good time throwing food piece by piece to the ducks and fish.
 Then we took a stroll through the park and hung on some trees.  Holy monkey arms...
Besides taking pictures for Fly Little Guy...I had this vision of a perfect anniversary present for Jason.  I wanted the boys to hold up two hearts each.  It would say "J + A 7yrs".  Well it didn't quite work out the way I wanted.  First, they couldn't hold two hearts each at the same time...it was too windy.  So I had them hold one at a time.
Then Trevin ripped one...
So I told them just to turn them around so no letters were showing and they looked like plain hearts.  Trevin didn't understand the assignment.
Then they covered their faces..
This was the best I could do....
After that traumatizing photo shoot, I let them climb some trees.
And hop over tree branches...they were much happier doing that...
Happy seven years Babes!  We miss you and love you!