Friday, September 19, 2014

Flashback Friday- July 2008

A lot happened in July, so I am dedicating one post to the month.  Jason's cousins came into town and we took them to a skateboarding competition.  
 Teresa also got to hang with her sis Maureen
 The competition was at the fair grounds so we hit up a few rides also
 The slide was the only thing I was brave enough to go on.
 Jason rode this one solo because no one else wanted anything to do with it.
 Then it was time for our annual San Diego trip.  Everyone was there.  The Davies, the Wheelands, and the future Mrs. Byrne.
 Look at little Miss Gracie
 And the boys!
 Cody had gotten engaged, so we decided to throw her a bridal shower/bach party in San Diego.  The night before she arrived, we spent the night decorating cupcakes
 Even our good friend Molly showed up with Cody for the celebration
 Bridal shower time!  Katie and I were the hostesses with the mostesses
Twinsie shirts!
Katie hand drew on all of the champagne glasses.  She made one for everyone.  

(Love Katie's look in the background..she's going to shoot me!)
 I made T-shirt party favors for everyone in the group and we all wore them out that night.
The future husband and wife
 The whole gang with the shirts on.  Everyone had a name on the back as well.
 The boys stayed at home and held down the fort
 When I was looking through these pics I thought this was Trevin...
 Out on the town....
 ....with this lovely lookin' bunch
 The next day it was 4th of July.  Someone was ready to celebrate more...
 Are we beginning to see a pattern with the shirts?
 This might be one of my favorite pics.  Holy shaved ice...and Jacob looks like he weighs a ton according to Cody's face.  Whooooa doggies!!
 The whole gang
And the cousins and friend and hubs
 We also managed to fit in a Legoland visit..
The same ride I would take my boys on several years later.
 What a good sport I was..posing for pictures...
 I remember this cave was Ben's favorite.  There was a wolf or something inside and he would drag me by the hand to go see the 'monster'.  We did it over and over again and each time he would get just as scared as the first time.
Mini land
 The Davies even made the trip up to Oceanside to hang out with Molly and Tyson (look at that sweet girl.  We sure do miss you Tyson!)