Friday, September 12, 2014

Flashback Friday- Jan-June2008

More snowboarding in Big Bear?  That's weird...
 Jason even headed to Tahoe with the boys to check out the snow
 Another Hawaii trip for work?  That's weird..I still have yet to go to Hawaii without it being business related (although it never really seemed like business).
 More work trips for Jason...New York and Vegas
 Someone turned the big 3-0...Jason's turn this time.  We got a bunch of friends together and had dinner at Stone brewery
 After hour shenanigans
...look at that old kitchen...before Pa helped us remodel it
A trip down to Tucson to see Ma after she was diagnosed with Leukemia.  She looked as amazing as ever and was in great spirits.  All the nurses at the hospital loved her.  She said she was there just for the good food.
Also, a great time to hang with the nephews.  This is one of my favorite pictures of me and Jacob.
Back to Cali.  J and I went to some 70's party.
 We always did love going on hikes...
 Yes...I still loved Disneyland before kids.  We went with our friends and had an awesome time.
A is for Amy and Alyssa
We had several bike rides with Molly in the basket.  I would have to strap her down or she would jump out.
Back to Vegas and this time I got to go.  (Wow I sure do love that black hat)
Oh Vegas how I love you
And one more wedding to attend.  I feel like there was a point where every weekend we had a wedding to go to.