Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The day after the party

The next day we went exploring in Lomita...Pa and GG's old hood.  We took the boys to Lomita Park which is where my dad used to hang back in the day.  I took his picture by the multi-purpose room where he went to his first school dance.  Poor Pa.  Not only does he have to pose for PT but now for his daughter also.
The boys loved the playground!
 Trev would do this high pitched scream every time he slid down the slide.  Slightly annoying but at least it was a scream of joy
I made the mistake of showing Ma how to use instagram.  She didn't put down her phone for the rest of the trip (as some of you know since she blew up your feed!)
 Same turtles that Pa played on as a kid
Every time Papa would try to sit down, Trev would grab his hand and and say "Come on Papa"
What a good grandpa
 Monster hands!!
 Not sure this is the correct way to operate this thing..
 Trying to 'get away' from Papa
On the way home we stopped by Pa's old elementary school...good sport got out of the car for a picture.
After exploring the old hood, we took the fam to Ryden's kindergarten to check it out
 The boys showed off their scooter skills
Trevin immediately started crying.  When asked what was wrong he said "RyyyyRyyyy goooo too fast!!!"..umm oookay?
The boys love the big kid playground at Ry's school because they play Wipeout.
And Jason shows off his skills
 Jason's audience
This particular Sunday happened to be the last concert in the park so Ma wanted to go walk over and check it out.  Pa was ready
And so was Trevin with his huge backpack!
We gathered the troops and headed over
 There were a gazillion people there and Ma made sure to document it
 Ry wanted a shaved ice but I had forgotten my wallet.  His mode changed immediately and he sat on the grass and sulked.
Trevin, on the other hand, was having a GRAND ole time.
 Durning his pouty session, Ry took off his shoes in protest.  Trevin proceeded to pick them up and use them as props in his dancing performance
 Taking a break...
 We let the kids play on the playground before heading home.  They played (you guessed it) Wipeout on the 'big balls'.