Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pennekamp Jamboree

Ryden's school had a fundraiser last night complete with a mini carnival and outdoor movie.  The Smith's live so close to the school so we parked at their house and walked over.  Ry immediately gravitated towards the basketball game which would have been challenging even for an adult.  But he gave it his all...
And so did Trev..while Ry cheered him on.  A for effort.
They did much better on the small soccer obstacle course
They got to pick a prize and Trevin wanted someones cotton candy they had left on the table.  He was so sad when he couldn't choose that 'prize' so we went and found him his own cotton candy.
Look at those freckles
We played a few more games and won some more prizes.  Trev picked this pink princess watch and wore it the rest of the night.  When I put his sweater on when it started getting cold he said "I can't see my watch!" So I rolled up the sleeves a little bit.
Tessa was so adorable.  We were walking towards the playground and she grabbed Trevin's hand and they both started walking together.  Of course, I looked like a crazy person following them and taking a million pictures.
 I LOVE this one.  Looks like they are deep in their own world...After I took this, they noticed I was standing in front of them with a camera so they both stopped and smiled.  
We waited in line for the dunk tank but the line was way too long and not moving.  So......Playground time!
 Liv and Ry.  They are best friends.
This is Trevin's face every time I tell him to smile.  Not quite the look I was going for.
The school was showing a movie on the lawn so we grabbed a seat.  Right before it started, we all looked at each other and I said "Forget this big crowd...let's go to the Smith's house and watch an outdoor movie in their backyard!"  So we all walked home and watched a movie with just the 7 of us.  
Olivia was so sweet!  She sat by Ry the whole movie and didn't want him to leave when it was over.  
 And Trev OD'd on popcorn....with his princess watch still on