Thursday, September 4, 2014

The last day with Papa, Ahwee, and GG

It was such a beautiful day out and Jason was itching to go to the beach, so we dragged Papa and Ahwee with us.  GG stayed home to keep Molly company
We had fun at the beach.  Lots of playing in the sand and running away from waves.
This is a great shot of the gang...
And this is our view...
Ahwee got taken out by a wave and 'wet her pants'
Jason was the only brave soul (or one with a bathing suit on) to swim out in the ocean
I was too busy building the 'big balls' Wipeout course
Father and son(s) bonding
No...Papa is not wearing white socks.  Yes...those are the actual color of his feet
 They say we're young....
 Corn doggie!
 Not sure the life jacket is necessary but more a fashion statement
 Sandy and salty
 We went home and cleaned up for dinner.  A walk on the wall before we left.
After dinner, we headed to Manhattan Beach pier for some Skechers and ice cream
 Gum ball heaven
 An ice cream cone was the perfect end to a perfect weekend
 Yum city!
 My perspective...
Ma's outcome...
Musical chairs
 Messy shirt means it was good cookin'
 What a fun time with Papa, Ahwee, and GG pie!  They left super early the next morning while we were all still passed out.  We miss them already!