Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas in Tucson...Part 4

The day after the Christmas rush, I had to go stop by my bestest friend's house and see her new little one.  Cathy and I have been friends since kinder and she just had another boy a few months ago.  He loved his auntie Ahmee.
 And loved my hair even more...
After my visit with the little boy, we headed to the Wheeland's for some good ole fashion turkey sandwiches.  Probably my favorite thing in the world.  White bread, mayo, and lettuce.. then we played with Bennett's fun toys he got for Christmas.
Since my birthday falls right after Christmas and I am the middle child, I was always ignored (hahaha just kidding!) My mom wanted to celebrate my birthday before we headed home so she told me to pick where I wanted to go and I had to choose El Minuto.  Best Mexican food around.  We happened to pick the COLDEST day to brave the outdoors.  I huddled next to Marissa to keep warm while mom, of course, said "Get TOGETHER!"
It was a great little celebration and we had some flan and a happy birthday song as well.  Thanks Ma, for organizing.
 A little last minute rough housing with Dada before we called it a night.
Oh and some more Instagraming from Ma.  Thirty fireplace pictures later.....
The next morning we packed up and headed out.  Always so sad when it's time to leave.  I can just hear Ma in the background singing "It's time to goooooo, the party's ovvvvveeerrr!"  The first thing Trev said when we got in the car was "When we get home I want a haircut to look like Papa".
 Monkey headphones.....
 ...and Funyuns courtesy of my Mom for the ride home.  Such a fun family time in Tucson.  Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas in Tucson....Part 3

CHRISTMAS DAY!  The kids all woke up and we made them stand together for what seemed like forever while we took their pics.  I always remember being so annoyed at this when I was young.  Now I get to torture my kids..I love that Trevin brought his whole bucket of stuffed animals for the picture.
Present time!  Sara had gotten each of the kids these cool walk on thingy's that we used to play with as kids.
And we still haven't figured it out, but Molly somehow found a ball at the Davies she was in heaven
Let the chaos begin...
Educational gifts are my fav...maybe not so much for the kids anymore..
 Trevino got the coolest old school lunch box from Ahwee...he still carries that thing all around the house to this day.  It holds all of his treasures.
 Group photo with the kids, dogs, and Trevin's candy stash...
 All time favorite photo??  I think so...
 Next year, I 'm just getting candy for this kid...all he seemed to care about, more so than the two wheel scooter he got.
 Snowfy and Ryden
 Another attempt at a group shot.
 Emma looking all Christmas-y under the tree
 Snowfy love for Pa...or is that Molly?
 Jason had to try out these cool toys
 After the Christmas at the Davies chaos, we headed home to relax before Christmas dinner at Aunt Chris's.  My cousin came over and brought his son Gunnarr.  He played so well with Trevin.
 Then it was time for a quick game of life which is Ryden's current obsession.  Trevin could care less and usually annoys Ryden throughout the game, so I let him play on my phone using his new monkey headphones from the Wheelands
 A quick nap for Santa Claus....
...while Molly and Toby rough housed....
 ...and while I documented Ma taking a thousand pictures of ONE of her ornaments.  At one point she looked over and said "I wanna post this on Instagram".
 Time for a family get together and some fart gun fun.
 Can't forget some more virtual reality time...
 I dug hanging out with my little cousin, Marissa.  She is da bomb.
 Pie In The Face game was ready for some action.
This entertained the kids for quite some time until they just took the whipped cream bottle and helped themselves.
Bennett enjoying his new dinosaur toy.
 And GG enjoying her new hat.  What a fun Christmas!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas in Tucson...Part 2

Christmas Eve approached faster than expected.  Ahwee and Ryden set out to make their famous pear pie...can't be in Tucson without doing that tradition..
We decided to attended the Christmas Eve service at the cousin's church.  We got all dolled up and headed out.  Of course, Trevin fell asleep about two minutes before we got we made him a make-shift bed.
 Sitting by Ahwee and waiting patiently for his cousins to come.
 Once the music started, Sleeping Beauty was up and at 'em.  It was really cute to see all the boys rocking' out to the music and holding up their pretend candles.  I think they really enjoyed themselves.
After the service, the church had set up some fun activities to do....
Fake snow was falling...
 "Ok guys, act like you are catching the snow..."  Well played everyone, but Trevin.
One of my favorite pictures of the crew...
Time to color some ornaments and hang them on the huge Christmas tree...
 Pointing to his ornament he hung
 Trevino tried about four times to hang this darn ball and the hook kept falling out.  I had to step in to help before a melt down happened.
 Posing by the tree
 Group shot!
Christmas Eve wouldn't be Christmas Eve without Billy's Soup Kitchen.  So we headed home to prepare for some potato/cheese soup.  We had to bust out the special napkins that Cody gave as a Christmas present many moons ago.
Let the party begin with all these fun people
 Uncle Dale looking' way more interested in taking a picture than Jason's convo..ok maybe this was staged
 GG Pie and Aunt Chris
 Me and my homegirl Emma in our fancy skirts.  Gotta be as girly as we can with all these boys around!
Trying to teach Tony Jones how to be classy and drink wine instead of beer...kinda hard for this former Wild Boy.
So excited for Christmas!  Geeeeee!
 Went back to take a pic of the kids and this is what I got..notice Trev tackling Ryden's leg.  
 This year, we decided to try something different.  We let all of the cousins have a slumber party together so they could all wake up at the same time and enjoy Christmas.  It brought back so many memories of having slumber parties with my sisters on Christmas Eve
 With the kids sound asleep, the adults watched some "Elf".  Molly and Snowfy enjoyed the movie as well.
  Merry Christmas Eve!