Friday, December 18, 2015


Once again, I am so far behind on this blog.  I need to start stepping it up (New Year's resolution?)  We had a very chill and relaxed Thanksgiving.  So chill that I didn't take many pictures..(are you surprised?)  
Trevin had a cute little Thanksgiving party at his preschool, followed up by a graduation ceremony for his Chinese class.
 We headed down to Oceanside to hang with Teresa for the Thanksgiving break.  First on the agenda?  Running a race.  Teresa ended up being to sick too run which was a bummer.  But she hung with the boys while Jason and I ran.
 Every time I see pictures of me running...I swear it looks like I am just speed walking.  
 But I sure do give it my all!  I finished in a pretty decent time considering I don't run as much as I used to.  And yes, it was a bit of a struggle to run up this tiny, itty bitty hill.
Jason has been taking Ryden to the track to run with him.  He has gotten pretty good so we decided to sign him up to race as well.  Granted, he only did a 1/4 mile but that is equivalent to one time around the track which I could have NEVER done without stopping when I was his age.  He was SOOO excited for his race!
There we a TON of other excited kids also!  He ran the entire 1/4 mile and was so happy for his medal at the end. 
We took a walk along the pier and watched the surfers for a little bit.  
And what is even more cool is that I didn't get one single picture of Teresa!  I am really failing at this picture taking business.  Let's see if I can do better for Christmas.  We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with the five of us and were lazy the rest of the weekend.  Grandma was nice enough to take the boys to the park while Jason and I shopped.
Bring on Christmas!