Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas-y things

'Tis the season to start doing the fun Christmas themed things.  Let's be real, I start doing these thing right after Halloween is over.  I get a tad excited a little too early sometimes.  Santa comes to each of the Manhattan Beach neighborhoods in December.  We partied with a few of our homies and then walked out to take a pic with the big man.
Ryden and Truman 
All Trev was concerned about was letting Santa know he wanted Darth Vader Pj's that come with a flashlight and slippers...oh and he wanted a candy cane too which Santa delivered right then and there.
Next, we did our annual scavenger hunt with the Smith girls.  This is where each store hides an elf in their store and the kids have to find it and check it off their list.  The kids loved this until they found out they didn't get a prize for doing the work.  Instead, they just got to pose by a big Christmas tree.
..and lick balls.
Angie and I (the A-team as our spin instructor calls us) partook in a happy hour class.  We love our teacher!
 This picture was taken 11/1/15.  Tree is up and house is decorated....and Trevie is snoozing' with the Boo.
 Play date snuggles with our homegirl, Mila.
 Dressed in the proper attire for a park day.  
 We bought the game of LIFE and that is all Ryden has been wanting to do.  I would play all day with him if Trev didn't lose interest and start to cheat.
 Jason went to New York for work so I called a babysitter and had some fun times with some of my girls.  
 I asked Jared to take our pic and this is what I get....
Me, Angie, Theresa, and Kelly
Kelly's dog Winston is the loudest, cutest, slobber monster.
On one of our many "Trev & Mama" dates while Ry is in school, I took him down to the pier for some hang out time.  He saw this big Santa and said "Mama, I go give him a high five?"  Sure kiddo
 Then he pretended to lick the plastic candy cane.
 I bought the cutest advent calendar at Target and it was so fun to see them wake up super early each morning so they could open their box and see the surprise inside. They were very good at taking turns also.  Ryden=odd days.  Trevin=even days.  Ryden kept very good track.
 I usually filled each box with stickers and some sort of small piece of gum or chocolate.  Trev would look at the stickers and say "Oh I want RyRy to have these.  I just like chocolate".  
 It's not Christmas time without a Shabani Christmas party.  This has become a tradition for the past three years and I love it!  
Tess and Trev being forced to take a picture together with a cookie as the reward.  Bribery at it's finest.
Oh these two.  We call them the TJ's.  Trevin James and Tessa James.  Match made in heaven with the same middle names.
I swear this party just keeps getting bigger and bigger each year!  Peeps everywhere!!  And of course, Santa made his annual appearance and handed out gifts to the kids.
The TJ's waiting patiently for their gifts.
There are a crap ton of girls at this party and not very many boys.  So Ryden usually is a little weary about going.  But now that he has his zing, Olivia, he is much better at these parties.  These two hang out the entire time and do things like write stories and color.  
Since there were SO many people in Courtney's living room, some of the dad's were standing outside looking in through the window.  It was rather creepy so I had to take a photo.
 Ry and Trev's turn to sit on Santa's lap
Happy Santa with all the ladies around him.
 The MacMaster's
 Oh how I love this Kelly girl....
Not sure if Jason and Danny were mocking the girls because they were super excited to sit on Santa's lap.
The host and one of my very first friend's I made when we moved.  Love you Courtney!
 Some of the dad's and gangsta Santa.
I just died when Angie came up to me and said "Don't worry..Trev just asked if I wanted to take selfie's with him and I sure did!"  I mean, these two are best friends until the end...
 Trev calls her Ann-She
 Liv and Ry.  Always together.
Moving onward from the great Shabani party.  We went out to dinner one weekend and Trev slept just like this the entire time!
Ryden got to be a toy tester for Mattel with his homeboy Ronan.  They each came home with a massive hot wheels toy to keep.  Ryden said he wanted to give his to kids that don't have any toys.  So we donated it to Toys for Tots.  Good job Ry.
And finally.....Trevin had his Christmas preschool performance.  Although it was no "Once there was a snowman", it was still very cute.  They sang two songs I had never heard of but he gave it his all!  
 And a nice little Christmas party with his class right after the performance.  Man!  I love this time of year!
I was very pleased with Mr. Trevin.  If you look at his plate you see several blueberries, a carrot, and a cookie.  We all know Trevin and would guess he would dive for the cookie.  I told him he needs to eat his other stuff first.  He stuffed every single one of those blueberries in his mouth and downed the carrot.  Then looked up at me..."That cookie is all yours" I said.  Just had to throw that story in because Trev is quite impressive when a cookie is the reward.