Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Zoo Day!!

Since we were in the San Diego area, we decided a trip to the zoo would be a perfect activity to do.  I always love going to the zoo with Teresa because she doesn't mess around!  We hit up every animal possible.  I didn't bring a stroller thinking that my kids are old enough but I forget how big that place is!  Two minutes in and we had to go rent a stroller.
A casual stroll through the monkey exhibits which Trev seemed so interested in...not.
Ryden and Grandma love to read about each animal.
Last time Grandma and Ryden went to the zoo together, she got him this cool safari hat which he had to wear again. He sure plays the part well.
Watching waterfalls in the bird sanctuary. 
I remember a picture of Ryden on this exact monkey when he could barely walk....
Ok...well different monkey but you get the idea.  Didn't think I would let a flashback photo slip by did ya?
We sat and watched these gorillas for awhile.  At one point, this big one came charging up to the glass right in front of Ryden.  Freaked him out so he was done with the gorillas after that!
Fish are cool.
Trev is figuring out where we need to go next according to the map
"No monkey's hanging from feet"
The zoo was awesome on this particular day.  All the animals were out in plain view and most of them were very entertaining.  The tigers were sleeping but at least we got to see them in plain view. 
All Trevin wanted was a $20 face painting.  I was against the idea from the get-go since it would just wash off a few hours later....but Dada is a sucker...and look at that excited face.
He sat so still the whole time except for an occasional eyebrow lift up and down.
The cutest doggie in town
Waiting in line for the SkyRide again...Probably the boy's favorite thing to do.
We couldn't leave the zoo without seeing the pandas....Ry's favorite!
And a few more things for Trevin to climb on.  It was so funny to see all of the kids just stare at Trevin trying to figure out his face painting..
 Goodbye San Diego Zoo...I sure do miss it.  I used to have a season pass and go with Ryden all the time.  Oh how time flies!