Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas in Tucson..part 1

We headed to Tucson for a Papa & Ahwee Christmas.  When we arrived, the first thing the boys wanted to do was slide down the make-shift slide that Papa puts together.  Many fun times are had on this yellow piece of greatness.
Baby Bennett was in da house!  Too bad this was the only picture I could get of him.  He had better things to do than pose for pictures!
 After we had some good quality Bennett time, the boys were itching to go see their other cousins.  So we packed them in the car and met Ben, Jacob, and Emma at the park.  Uncle Jason played with the kids for awhile since he is a big kid himself.
 Trev and Jacob are buddies for life.
 Steve just had to bring his newest 'toy' to the park.  Virtual reality was the funniest thing watching people while they were wearing them.  I was wearing them and instantly had about 30 kids around me asking what the heck I was doing...
After some great park and cousin time, we headed home to get ready for Winterhaven.  I love this tradition.  Every time we are in Tucson for the holidays, I make sure to always schedule a Winterhaven trip.
 Even better when you go with your cousins and get to ride in the wagon the whole time.  It's funny how Trevin, the four year old, walked pretty much the whole time....while the 6 year olds hitched a ride..the whole time.  Fake snow!!
 I just love watching Jacob and Trevin together.  They have this special bond and Jacob is so sweet to him.
 ....same goes with Ben and Ryden.  
 We passed by the kettle corn booth and that was it....Trev just had to have some.  So we bought a huge bag for all the kids to share...Trev was pissed!  He wanted his own bag!  Jason to the rescue went to get a few spare plastic bags and problem was solved.
 Popcorn happy!
 Ben and Jacob are really the best picture takers.  When I say "get together" Jacob jumps in by his cousins...and Ben will usually do some funny pose in the background.  
 SOOOOOO much fun!!