Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas at Grandma Teresa's

Since we were going to Tucson for Christmas, we spent a few days before celebrating with Teresa.  The boys love slumber parties at Grandma's because they throw all of her stuffed animals on the sleeping bags and have a massive camp out
We thought we would be able to wait a day or so to have Christmas but the boys saw all the presents and were ready to tear them open the next morning.  So we just let them go at it.
Teresa put on some fun Christmas music (Jingle Bells by Barbara Steisand is a MUST) and we had a grand ole time watching the boys get excited over each gift.  Trev was probably most excited to be twins with Grandma in their matching Santa hats.
Well...he was pretty stoked when he got his Darth Vader pajamas with the slippers and the light.  That was the one item he had on the top of his list.
Ryden got the Minion version.
Teresa does stockings for everyone, including Molly Boo.  Well Molly kept whining and sniffing and huddling around her stocking.  Jason figured she wanted a bone that she could smell in the stocking so he took it out.  Nope...she wanted the small tennis ball that was in the toe of the stocking.  How she knew, we have no idea.  She is a professional ball sniffer outer. 
Dice for Ry to practice his addition.
Dice for Darth Vader too.
Group shot.
Trev enjoying his new Pj's, doggie, and Star Wars pillow.
He also got this cute little electronic mouse which is the closest thing he will get to having a real mouse.
"No one will throw my ball?" -Boo
Her ball was under this pile of wrapping paper and she spent about 20 minutes trying to dig it out and shredding everything to pieces in the meantime.
A quick PJ wardrobe change and a game of Monopoly Jr.
We got dressed and headed to Stone Brewery for some lunch.  The boys were both hot messes from not enough sleep and too much excitement.  Nothing that a brownie sundae wouldn't cure.  Notice the little tear on Trev's face..
After the sugar intake, Trev was a mad man...but in much better spirits.
Trying to get a good picture with the boys proved to be a bit difficult.
 Ry humored us
The background look at trying to get Trevin to sit still for a few seconds...
 And this is what we got....
 Grandma and the boys....