Sunday, December 20, 2015

Gingerbread houses

Jason went to New York the beginning of December and instead of bringing back some silly toy for the boys, he promised he would buy a high tech gingerbread house and build it with them when he got back.  I was in charge of getting the house...poor Trevin.  After we picked it up, he so desperately wanted to make it.  It was torture having it just sit on the counter while we waited for Dada to get off work.
Finally, it was gingerbread house making time!
At first, they were so careful to put a tiny dab of frosting and place a piece of candy on the house.
 And then, Trevin was oh so careful to sneak a few pieces into his mouth.
 It was taking forever to put each piece on, so I jumped on Ryden's side and Dada assisted Trevin.
 Did I mention how much candy and little Christmas figures this house came with??
Almost finished.  Ry really committed to his selfies with the gingerbread house.
 A few final touches...
 Such a fun project.  The kids loved it!  Not so sure how much their stomach's liked it after all the sugar intake!