Sunday, April 12, 2015

Tucson part 2

Sara and I debated weather or not we should dye easter eggs or just hide plastic ones.  We were unsure how interested the kids would be in dyeing them.  In the end, we decided to go ahead since we were all together for the first time in a long time for Easter.
We got all the supplies and headed over to Sara's house.  We only had about 20 eggs thinking the kids would get bored after dyeing a few.  We were wrong.  The kids had a blast and kept asking for more! 
Such concentration...
They did such a good job coloring them and most of the eggs looked pretty darn great!
 Showing off the masterpieces..
 Emma's egg with Grandpa's portrait..
My favorite...created by Jacob..
After all the eggs were done, it was time to play.  Trevin headed for the tubes and started to play wipeout.  When I came over to take his picture he said "NO MAMA!  Go away!  I play by myself!"
And of course, Ryden headed to the basketball hoop.
And 'Snowfee' (named by Trevin because he couldn't say Sophie) just hung out.
This picture was taken minutes before Trevin fell into the water and I had to jump in with all my clothes and save him.  Such a Baywatch moment!
 After Trev fell in, he wanted nothing to do with the pool.  So Emma got the whole raft to herself and all the pool toys.
Ry wanted nothing to do with the pool either.  He just sat on the play structure and quietly watched from the distance.
 He finally decided to play catch with Jacob...outside of the pool.
Sara brought out her speakers so we could listen to some music.  The best part of the day was the shows that were put on by Emma and Trevin.  Taylor Swift came on and Emma worked it.  Michael Jackson started playing and 'Dirty Di-ant-ta' didn't disappoint 
 We finished the day off by watching a whole lot of youtube videos of Michael Jackson.  Jason asked me how the boys survived Tucson without playing their MJ video game to which I replied, "lots and lots of youtube and DVD videos".