Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tucson part 6

The next morning, I had a lot of hair to do!  Braids, braids, and more braids.  I gave Vera an Elsa braid:
And Harper a Rapunzul braid complete with several flowers.  Both hairstyles lasted about 20 minutes before they were destroyed:
I also braided Aunt Cody's hair which you will notice in several pictures coming up.  We decided to go to Old Tucson for the day, but first we had to get some slide time in.  Harper did this whole splits down the slide thing and I would laugh every time.  So each time she got to the top again she would always ask if I wanted the splits again to which I cheered YES!
 Ryden then started asking me which one I wanted him to do.  I had no idea what the names of his tricks were so I seemed to always pick the 'on your feet' one.  
 Cody and I must've went inside about 30 times each to makes more batches of toast.  The kids couldn't get enough.  I still don't butter the toast as well as GG.  She is the butter master! 
Time for Old Tucson!  We packed everyone in the car and headed out.  When we got there, Ryden grabbed both the girl's hands since we were in a parking lot.  Safety first.
We were a little early, so all the kids waited patiently for the gates to open, open, open.
I had to get a picture of my boot wearing twins.  I had to convince them to wear them so we could look the same.  It worked.
 The kids were super excited when a real live cowboy came and started dishing out high fives!
They opened the gates and we rushed in past a real live cowgirl.  Cody was excited to get a picture with the girls by her.  The crowd didn't seem as thrilled.  I think Vera was more excited that someone else was wearing boots too.
 I tried to hurry by the candy store, but of course Trevin spotted it.  Papa picked him up to see all the goodies and he quickly picked out the 20 things he wanted.  I told him the store was closed (it wasn't) and we would have to stop by later knowing he would forget.  Mean Mama.
 The kids loved looking at the horses.  They could've done without the smell.
 We walked by a horse named Saddle and the lady said we could pet her.  Cody was nice enough to lift up each kid so they could all have a turn.
 Since we got there right when it opened, there were hardly any other people at the park yet.  So we got the whole train to ourselves.  The kids quickly picked a partner and took their seats.

 I think this ride was a hit.  The kids were screaming and putting their hands in the air like it was a roller coaster.  
 This smile didn't leave Trevin's face the whole time.  Unfortunately, his high pitch scream left his mouth the whole time.
 The caboose
 The train conductor was amazing.  I think he enjoyed all of the kids and happily posed for pictures with them.  Thanks Buster.
 On our way to another area, we happened to see Buster again.  Trevin ran full speed up to him and gave him a great big hug.  The other kids followed shortly after.  (Sorry if some of these stories are duplicates from Cody's blog.  She is really good at remembering things.)
Time to head to the carousel. I adore that Ryden and Vera are holding hands. 
Our failed effort at a group pic.  Thanks for humoring us Ryden.
Off the subject, but after Old Tucson I was looking through GG's photo albums and found this picture of Sara on this exact carousel (it's been a little restored of course).  I thought it was pretty cool.
The kids wanted to ride it again but I asked to sit this one out.  Dizzy blonde.  They opted for the couch this time.
 It was time to hit up the cars.  I believe these used to be one of my favs back in the day.  Anything to feel like you are really driving when you aren't old enough to..which is odd because I despise driving now.
The kids waited patiently for their car....I secretly hoped that the girls would get a Frozen one (blue) or a Cheer Bear one (pink).  Yes, I was getting really good at my Vera & Harper colors.  They ended up with a red one because..they were all red.  They hopped in without a fuss.
Buckle up for safety
 Papa let Ryden take the wheel.  I think he developed a case of whiplash in return.
 Trev took the wheel for a while and then decided he was over it.  We crashed back and forth on the divider until I was able to put my camera down and grab the wheel.
 We all survived the cars but we all did not survive the mine tour.  Too scary for everyone but Harper.  She had a grand old time.  Ryden's mood turned shortly after we were done with the mine tour.  I think he was secretly mad that he was too scared to go.  He was ready to move on.  So we moved on to jail.
Pouting in the corner 
 Keep him contained.
 Ryden is MIA from the next few pictures because he was still pouting.  I'm talkin' kicking at the dirt saying "I hate this place".  Such a teenager.  At least Trevin humored me and posed for pictures.
 Tickles from Papa.  You better run.  Don't make grumpy pants smile.
 Finally!  Something that made Ryden smile...His mood lightened up after this.
 One of the main reasons we came to Old Tucson was so that Cody could get an old time picture.  The girls looked adorable but Harper did NOT want to take the dress off.  Please sir...can we please just buy the dang dress??  A hundred bucks says Ahwee has already found a duplicate at a thrift store.
 Winding down.  Time to call it a day.
Sleepy Vera..and notice Cody's braid.  
 We headed home without the candy store being mentioned.  We also read a few signs on our way out.
 After we rested, we headed over to Marcy's house because Ryden had been asking to see her girls non-stop.  We hit the hot tub...
 Brother got dressed for the occasion but never actually went in the water (aside from his feet)
 They were all so cute.  Jhonna and Trevin hung out together.
 Ryden and Hannah hung out together..
 ...and brother hung out with brother.