Monday, April 20, 2015

Tucson part 5

I am always searching for cool areas to take pictures for Fly Little Guy  which is a boys fashion blog that I write for.  Well, Tucson was FILLED with awesome areas so we decided to head to 4th avenue for a photo shoot.  We ate at Bison Witches first and then I dressed Trevin up.  He normally hates taking pictures for me, but since he had a small audience (Sara, Emma, Papa and Ahwee) he was hamin' it up.
 I swear I need to start a Fly Little Girl blog because Emma would be the perfect model.  After every photo I took of Trev, she would say "Now me.."
 We walked around after the photo shoot and explored.  Forth Avenue is looking pretty good!  So much culture!

And I knew I wouldn't get away with passing up a trip to the thrift store.  I told the boys they could each pick out a book.  Trev grabbed his favorite right away.  
 Ryden also ended up finding a nerf football.  He was in hog heaven.  Trev found this play school that opened up and had a handle to carry it around.  He grabbed it and said "Bye Mama, I go to work now".  I assume he thought it was a briefcase?  We bought our goods and headed home.  I was originally going to drive to Phoenix to pick up Cody and the girls but Papa decided to go instead.  So we took baths and snuggled into bed.
 The next morning we rushed out to see the cousins!  The girls were already dressed in the thrift stores outfits I had bought them the day before.  They all played with money and banks for quite some time.  It's like they had just seen each other yesterday.
When breakfast was consumed, it was time for a little trip out to the RV.  One of my boys favorite things to do.  We played follow the Ahwee leader...
Harper cradled 'Anna' so delicately.  She had asked me to braid the dolls hair.  I started doing an Elsa braid to which she replied "No No!  Two braids!  Anna braids".  Yes boss...yesss boss. ;)
Cousins and the RV.  Yes...this was the outfit Trevin dressed himself in.  Complete with the glove and my jacket.  Just like 'Peat It'. (or Beat It)
Not to be outdone by Trevin, Harper found her best dress up outfit.
And then we played in a box...with our glove still on
I spent most of the trip from then on putting lids back on markers and organizing scattered papers.  But they always had so much fun coloring.
Trevin's 'skateboard guy'
Ryden's masterpiece
Cody was still on Miami time and didn't sleep much on the plane so she was counting down the minutes until the girls nap time.  So a few more 'twirly twirly all arounds' and then they all hit the sack.  That was the extent of her first day.  Still so much fun to have a chill day.