Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tucson...the last day

Every time we go to Tucson, Jason always wants to go hiking somewhere.  So he was super jealous when I told him we had spent the day at Sabino Canyon.  There wasn't much hiking involved, but we did get to spend some quality time with nature.  We all got decked out in our gear and we were ready!
  The boys did their best Home Alone impression
I think everyone was the most excited for the tram ride.  We hopped on board and took a thousand pictures to document this joyous occasion.
The caboose crew must've all gotten the 'funky hat' memo
 I think Trevin and Ben were over taking pictures.  And I seemed to have gotten the best angle of the pole and GG.
Ryden just loves his cousin Ben.
 The tram started and the crowd went wild.  I can just hear the "whoa doggies" coming from my mom's mouth.  And of course, sweet Vera is on her lap.  Always had to be by grandma...
 Once again, we turned this ride into a roller coaster.  The people in front of us must've thought we were so wacky.  Hands in the air, screaming in joy...in a tram...going 5 miles an hour.
After we finally unloaded off the tram, we started 'hiking'.  It is amazing how much gear we brought (including oreos and skittles.)  And Pa and I got stuck carrying most of it...
Holding hands...
Steve is the best at making sure we get a group shot wherever we go.  At the time, I just want to keep moving, but I am always glad we get it.  I am surprised that Steve didn't whip out his tripod.  He's a professional.
 We found a small patch of water and the kids were in hog heaven.
Steve took the older boys to go explore.  Sara and I tried to keep up, but Emma and Ryden had enough of the sharp slimy rocks and went back to the small patch of water.
Ryden was content hanging out with the twins and finding rocks with them.
 Harper seemed to find more than just rocks.
GG had the right idea and spotted up in the small patch of shade.
I just love this picture.  Cousins rule...I just wonder what kind of conversation they were having.
 Maybe Harper was suggesting Ryden put water on his head...
 Grandma and the girls
 The twins are pretty obsessed with their older cousin Emma.  Case in point, when Emma whipped out her chapstick, the girls were in awe.  So Emma showed the correct way to apply.
Trevin showed us the correct way to sunbathe
 ...and dump water on his head.  I suppose he learned that from his big brother.
 Steve finally came back from exploring and told us he had found a much better spot with a water slide!  The little kids heard 'water slide' and were all about it!  We 'hiked' a few hundred yards (while Steve dished out skittles) and came to a cool area.  
The kids went up and down the slide over and over again.  I had a mini heart attack each time they would climb up that slippery rock formation.  I was just preparing for a broken bone.  Brought me back to the days of Slide Rock and many bruised butts and bumped heads.  Just as I was thinking this, Trevin bailed and sweet Ben tried to help him.  I had to climb up to retrieve him and pray that I didn't hurt myself.
He was much happier huddled up with Papa in the shade.  And so was I...one less possible broken bone to worry about.  Since when did I become such a worrier??
 Ryden continued to have a grand old time.
 GG acquired a few kids on her towel.
A few last slides and then the kids were over it. 
Harper and Ryden were fine looking from the sidelines.  
 Trevin took his goldfish and happily ate them while sitting in the dirt
 Vera tried to build a sand castle but the sand was more like tiny pebbles.
We packed it up and hightailed it back so we wouldn't miss the tram to take us back down.  We got there early, of course, so the kids entertained themselves.
Hugs for Cornholio
Such a great time.
Back at home, our designated cousin from another mother came to visit with her little babe.  Brennan was so adorable and such a good little baby!  Thanks for sharing him with us Melissa.
I love holding babies but then I never get to see them.  So I passed him over to GG and she came up with a solution.  Put him on her legs.  He seemed more interested in the funny faces Trevin and Cody were making.
Whenever Trevin meets anyone (even strangers), he will open the conversation with "I not allowed to chew bubblegum yet"  He knows where the stash of gum at Papa and Ahwee's house is...and he would always run and grab one.  "You want to smell this Mama"?  "I not gonna chew it..I just gonna lick it"
 An end to the busy day was spent in GG's room watching some form of angry bird game.