Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Papa, an Ahwee, and a GG Pie

My parents and Grandma came out for a quick weekend visit.  It was so awesome to have them here....we had a good time and I'm sad they are gone.  The first activity that had to be done was tickling!  
We let Papa chase the boys all over the backyard while the women sat and chilled.  
Trevin always climbs in the outside toy box to find whatever he is looking for.  Then he will sit and scream "MAMA HELP" until I get him out.
I couldn't find Trevin so I went in search of him inside.  Of course I found him by the refrigerator saying "eye keem".  So I let him take the box of ice cream cones outside and told him to give one to everyone.  He was the most excited I have seen him since the last time he got eye keem.
....see, the most excited
Then it was time for Ryden's gymnastics class.  It sure was nice having several pairs of hands to help entertain Trevin so I could actually watch Ry for once.  While we were waiting for class to start, Papa showed Ryden his missing finger trick
I'm usually outside playing with Trevin, but this time he seemed very interested in what Ryden was doing.  So, I asked him a question:
Me:  Do you want to do gymnastics Trevin?
T:  Yesh
Me:  You have to be 3 to do gymnastics.  How old are you?
T:  Uh Uh Uh....THREE!
Tumble time!  He rules at somersaults
Nothing better than getting carried to the car by Papa
It always takes me at least another 20 minutes to get the kids in the car after is why:
They love running up and down this hill thing...
The next day, Ryden went to preschool so we decided to take a walk while we waited to go to his Christmas play

We walked down to the liquor store so Ma and GG could get a lottery ticket.  And Trev couldn't leave without a pop pop...
The winning tickets....right there....or not
Mom liked the layout of these condos so of course we were forced to take a pic in front of them.  Diggin' mom's
Christmas spirit 
Time for Ryden's play!!  He sang Mele Kalikimaka...hence the lei he is wearing

Trevin loved the whole thing
Dada even got to enjoy it...
Trev is so ready to be in preschool like his big bro
When Ryden was done singing, he headed back to his classroom so we could show Papa, Ahwee, and GG where he kicks it...
And....we tried the infamous group shot
GG Pie photo bomb...
After preschool, R & T showed Papa their skateboarding/scooter skills
And Papa tried not to break his leg
And then it was my turn....I'm so pro
Since it gets dark at like 4:30...we went upstairs to do our tradition.  Make a pear pie with Ahwee!
Trevin watched the People's Court with joke
Jason had his work party, so I took the clan to see some Christmas lights.  We all piled in my car with our hot chocolate and headed out.  I didn't get any light pictures because I was driving but they were amazing!  And almost every house had a hot chocolate/cotton candy/popcorn stand out front.  Next year, we are walking!
The next day was FOR SURE Mom's highlight of the weekend.  We attended a charity event for Baby 2 Baby with Skechers.  It was such an awesome event.  We got to give shoes to kids and they got to decorate them and take them home.  I had such a fun time helping out all the kids.  Mom had such a fun time smoozing with celebrities.  
Jason's co-worker Lizzie
Here are the shoes the kids decorated...
The volunteers 
I was joking with mom on the way home.  She was talking about all the celebrities she met.  She said to me "Isn't Nicole Ritchie so little in person?"  And I said, "I wouldn't know...I was in the booth the whole time helping the kids mom!" hahaha... All the Skechers workers loved her.  I was embarrassed of course (love you Ma)
And here she is with Nicole..too bad it's blurry
At least I got to be included in the group photo with Jessica Alba.  We left early because there were a little too many volunteers (and to relieve Pa of his babysitting duties)...well come to find out that we missed GWEN STEFANI!!  She showed up after we left.  Lame.  Sure my mom would have been all over a picture with her.
We had a Christmas party to attend that night so we left poor Ma, Pa, and GG pie on their own
Seems like they had fun solo...walking on the pier...seeing the sunset
I'm assuming Ma took this picture for Boy Jones?  Right Ma?
The Christmas party was at my friend Courtney's house and boy did she not disappoint!  Santa even showed up!  She had us bring a present for the boys and Santa delivered it personally to them.  I was worried because the boys haven't exactly warmed up to Santa but once they figured out he had presents they were golden.  Earlier in the week, Ry had told me he wanted shoes for Christmas.  I told him to tell Dit the Elf and he would go tell Santa.  Well, the present Santa gave him were shoes!  Ry was so happy!  He officially loves Santa now.  
The girls love Santa also.  Lucky Santa
All the kids crammed in the playroom
Sooo much fun!!!  Didn't get any other pictures though...