Sunday, December 29, 2013

Visiting old homies

While Teresa was in Austin visiting Melinda and Nick, we stayed at her house to watch Molly and Ozzy.  So that gave us a chance to visit with some old friends.  Ryden was so excited to go hang with his good buddy Charlie.  Even Trevin was happy and kept saying Cha-de house.  The boys played and played and played.  Charlie's house is always a good time.  Trevin loves it mainly for the snacks Miss Brandi provides...
Another main attraction is Mia...Charlie's cat.  
I was excited to meet the newest Rockwell.  Brandi officially joined the two boy club.  Meet Mr. Henry..such a calm and sweet baby!
Next we got to hang out with Mike and Amy who just recently got engaged.  Cutest couple ever!
I love Amy to death.  She is cute as a button and it was nice to play catch up since I haven't seen her in awhile.  I also got to admire her bling bling!
Molly REALLY enjoyed their company and wouldn't leave them alone..
Photo bombed by a dog.  Good friends and good times