Tuesday, December 31, 2013

More Big Bear fun

After bowling we decided to take a small stroll around the lake.  It was so pretty outside...sunny and just a tad chilly.  The boys loved walking on the bridge but before we started the walk, Ryden had to read us the rules.
The Dudes stuck together while Mama stayed behind and snapped away at the camera
If you follow my blog you know how much I love comparison photos...so here are two more:
Ryden...Christmas 2010 (1 1/2 yrs old)
Trevin Christmas 2013 ( 2 yrs old)
Trevin had to stop several times to throw rocks into the lake
Ryden had to stop several times to dance and pose
I couldn't get enough of this background so I took thousands of pics..
I swear it was a lot warmer with my fur hood on even if I did look ridiculous...
The next morning it was time for Ryden's first ski lesson!  We had tried to take him last year in Mammoth but he wasn't havin' it.  But Jason said he did pretty good this time.  It seems they need a better system at these ski schools though...lots of waiting around (which is hard for most little kids) and just tons of chaos.  But I was super proud of my little man for giving it a shot.  He is the one in the camo pants looking bored as can be:
Still looking bored
While Ryden was skiing it up, Trev and I were stuck at the hotel without a car.  But we totally entertained ourselves...snotty noses and all..
Good thing the lake was right in front of our hotel...we hung with the ducks for awhile
Then we strutted around the park..
And finally, we walked to the village....and ate ice cream...in December...in Big Bear...outside
When big brother came home, we heard all about his adventures on the ski slopes and then hung out with the ducks some more..
Artsy photo courtesy of Jason...tree in focus..mama and Trevin blurry...whoa...
Then the dudes took a dip in the jacuzzi before we headed out....in December...in Big Bear
See ya later Big Bear....good times