Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas train

The Irvine Park Railroad (place we went to the pumpkin patch) does a cool Christmas setup as well.  It was really neat.  Christmas lights everywhere, train ride, Santa, etc.  The boys LOVED the train ride even though it was a little cold outside (ok it was like 55 which is freezing for us...hence the scarves, beanies, jackets...)
The train stopped about halfway around the park and let all the passengers get out to wait in line to see Santa.  Umm...yeah.  Ryden wanted nothing to do with that.  So we took a few pictures by trees and sleighs and then waiting in line to get back on the train
It started getting dark which made all the lights look way cooler!
Back on the train...
The light tunnel was trippy man...
They had the hay maze again....this time it was decked out for Christmas.  Ry was stoked to run through it...not so stoked that we had to take a picture by the snowman...or that we entered through the exit (according to him)
I couldn't get over how pretty everything was.  Pretty much every tree was covered in lights.  Major Christmas spirit goin' on...
Then it was time to listen to Mrs. Claus read 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'.  The boys liked this for about 2 minutes and then we moved on to the room with all the lights.
Mama liked this room the best.....psychedelic man.  We will definitely be making this a new tradition.  I loved this place!