Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Big Bear adventures

After we opened up all of our presents, we packed up the kids and headed to Big Bear so we could play in the snow.  Hahaha....snow??  What snow?  We searched for it the whole ride up....nada 
When we got there, there was a small patch outside of our hotel room and that was pretty much it.  But it was still freezing so we bundled up and headed out for a nice traditional turkey dinner.  Well, being that is was Christmas...not many restaurants were open.  So we settled for a nice traditional Mexican food dinner.  Everyone else had the same idea so we had to wait quite a while.  Ry passed the time by jumping down stairs...and posing for Mama
We walked through the village and it was so pretty.  Lights everywhere. 
The next day we were determined to do something 'winter-y'.  So we headed out to go tubing.  Thank goodness they can make snow so we were able to have some fun.
Ry LOVED tubing.  Trevin...did not
So I took Trevin to the car to thaw out and Jason continued to tube with Ry.  After Trevin had calmed down we went to meet J and Ry at the bottom of the toboggan ride.  Ry loved that as well because he got to go on the ski lift.
Trevin took one look at Dada and RyRy flyin' down the hill and he said "Teddy turn" (when he says Trevie it sounds like Teddy).  So he rode with Dada and Ry was nice enough to go with Chewbaca (my crazy looking coat)
Trevin was way happier on this ride and wanted to go several more times.
Chewbaca and Ryden made it safe
 Jason took Trevin a few more times while Ry and I attempted to go do some more tubing.  We went down once and then called it quits because the crowds were ridiculous!  It was a mad house.  So we played in the snow instead.
Next, we headed to the bowling alley (of course).  That was the one thing that Ryden kept talking about so we just had to go...
Trevin bowled for about 6 minutes.  Then all he wanted to do was look at the candy vending machines and play bowling...on my phone
I just had to take a picture of Ryden's score.  He bowled a 107!  Pretty good for a little dude!  Only scored 4 points lower than Jason...burn!  
Busy Busy day....but so much fun!