Monday, December 30, 2013


This year was a very quiet Christmas.  Teresa was in Austin, so it was just the four of us.  It was the very first time we have ever spent Christmas morning at our house.  It was so fun setting up the gifts and having the boys run downstairs to see what Santa brought.  They both are at such a good age.  They oohhh and ahhh over everything!  They got so many gifts...thanks to all the out of town family for sending them such fun stuff!
Skateboard shirt!!
The stackable cactus from Aunt Elyse and Uncle Chris was a hit for Ryden...
And the 'candygums' were among Trevin's favorite...
Stocking are fun!
Never seen a kid get so excited....over a pack of gum
Oh wait...excited doesn't begin to describe when he opened the mini cactus coffee mug from Papa and Ahwee...
Trev claimed my cookies as his own...back off dude!
Time to play with all the toys!!
Merry Christmas everyone!