Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was nice and calm this year.  We headed to Oceanside to spend the weekend with Teresa.  Ryden was counting down the days until we left.  We got to her house on Wednesday night and Grandma and Ryden made a long list of what they wanted to do the next day.  Painting was first on that list, so bright and early...Grandma whipped out the paints
 After painting we told Ryden we were going to go on a hike to which he replied "That's not on the list!!"  So we had to casually sneak it on the list so he would agree to go.  We were going to do another Turkey Trot run until we found out you couldn't bring strollers.  The hike was perfect for the boys.
Trevin had it easy...Jason's back did not
I had a mini panic attack watching the boys get so close to the I had to calmly take several steps back.  
Nice Trevin....that is totally sanitary..licking random stuff is always good for you
Ryden posing by cactus on the same hike.....about 2 1/2 years difference
Trevin loved that backpack thing
This is one of my favorite pictures!  I love how Trev is resting his head on Dada....
Nice face Ry
The dudes
This is the best group shot we could get
Can't go on a hike without a karate kick pic from Jason
On the way down from the hike, there was this big cement area that resembled a skate park.  The boys had a grand time sliding down it and then crawling back up.
The day flew by...all of a sudden it was turkey time!  Ryden made place cards for everyone so we set those on the table
...and the doggies got their feast first
Say a little prayer...and then dig in!
Ry and Trev were both very unimpressed with dinner.  We had to bribe them with pumpkin pie to eat their turkey.  As you see...Trev was then in a turkey coma
Jason and Trev went in search of a newspaper (for the ads) and came back with a Christmas tree for Grandma
Feel the love....
Happy Thanksgiving!!!