Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chistmas-y things

Hermosa Beach busted out some snow this weekend, so we had to go check it out.  Apparently, they had sledding but we missed that because it was raining pretty hard.  It cleared up in time for us to go watch some pro snowboarders do some mad tricks.  Trev sat on Jason's shoulders and ooh'd and ahh'd the whole time!  He was in heaven.  I was holding Ryden so he couldn't really see.  He complained about the cold most of the time
We moved to a different place so the kids could sit on the wall...much better spot to see the action.  
They were throwing prizes out into the audience for the people who cheered the most.  Ry almost got nailed in the head by a flying shirt.  But was so excited to have "caught" one.
We decided to go see Santa while we were out getting into the Christmas spirit.  The below picture is the closest we got...When Ry got one glance at the jolly man, he was over it.  And since Trevin does whatever Ry does, he was over it too...so we didn't get to sit on Santa's lap
Our last Christmas adventure of the day was getting our tree!  We let Ry help pick it out and he was even more excited to decorate it...or more like decorate himself...
Jason kept calling Trevin's name to come hang ornaments on the tree.  Finally, Trev glanced his way with this look...he was obviously doing his own thing!
Remember the shirt Ryden caught?
ummm...totally fits dude
We also caught a sweatshirt.  Looks like someone is getting a Monster sweatshirt for Christmas....hope I'm not your secret santa
After all the decorating, the house was very cozy.  Fireplace lit, tree on, popcorn, and a movie.  
Every year, Manhattan Beach does a firework show on the beach so the next evening we went to our friends house because she is walking distance to the beach.  She did not disappoint with her party skills.  Endless champagne, homemade chili, and light sabers for the kids to take down to the beach when it got dark.
There were a gazillon kids at her house.  And I kid you not, Ry and Trev were the ONLY boys (aside from two others).  Girl city!!  The firework show did not disappoint.  If you look closely in the below picture you can see Ryden covering his ears.  So, of course, we left halfway through the show.  But a fun time with good friends