Saturday, December 27, 2014

2nd yellow belt

Ryden is loving his karate class and is doing so well.  He had his test for his next belt which will make him a second yellow belt.  He was super excited to take this test and was ready to show his skills.
It is so awesome to see him excel at karate and love it at the same time.  He is getting better and better and will soon be karate chopping boards in no time.
 He was a pro and did everything the Sensai told him to do.
 I have never seen a kid look more proud than when he was presented with his black and yellow belt.
 He was beaming from ear to ear.  Once the test was all over he ran over to me, jumped in my arms, and said "Mama!  I'm a second yellow belt!"  I am so happy he is so happy.  
 And Trevin slept the ENTIRE time.  Through all the HI-YA's and yelling.
 We are very proud of you Ryden.