Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas in Tucson: Take 1

We headed to Tucson for Christmas this year.  Upon our arrival, Toby greeted us with his best Santa getup.  And the boys beelined straight for the garage sale skateboarding ramps as usual.
GG sold her house and moved in with Ma & Pa.  It was SO awesome having her there all the time.  Trevin was attached at the hip with her.  Every morning, the first thing out of his mouths was "Where GG?"
Ryden kept asking when we were going to see the cousins since the second we got in the car to drive to Tucson.  So the cousins high tailed it over when they heard we made it to town.
We decided to make a trip to Winterhaven to see all of the lights.  We always get there around 5ish to beat the crowds.  It's the perfect time to go.  We walk around, the sun goes down, we walk around some more, and leave right when it starts to get busy.  Trev decided to pass out on the car ride there so we had to improvise.
Of course, we had our mega, tri-pod carrying photographer with us.  At one point, he set up the tri-pod to take a group pic and every single passer-byer commented on how efficient we were.
Jacob and Ryden thought it would be cool to karate punch the grinch
Emma took a liking to this house..particularly because she could open and close the mailbox
 Ryden got bored with all the photo ops.
 Cheesy prop photo...check!
 Cameras flashing everywhere. 
 Cheesy prop photo 2...check.  Now I see how Vera and Harper mistook Pa for Santa.  I told Pa he could make a killing next year by doing private parties as Santa.  The one my friend Courtney hired cost a fortune!
We decided it was finally time to wake up sleeping beauty...he decided it wasn't time.
 PT Patti capturing the UofA house.
Lazy bones five year olds hitching a ride
This house had a reading room set up.  
 We walked by the booth selling popcorn and it was all over.  Trev wouldn't go on until he had his sugar intake.
We went by a house that was shooting out snow.  More like soapy bubbles, but the kids loved it.  Trevin preformed a few impromptu dance moves.
Trevy and Jacob....ol' buddies ol' pals
 Taking a popcorn break
 This house was amazing in person.  So I made Ma pose by it with me.
 Ben and Ry...ol' buddies ol' pals
 Emma snuck over the fence to get a closer look at this giant tree of lights.
 Headed home.  Thanks for the memories Winterhaven