Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Christmas in Tucson: Take 3

Pa held his annual Soup Kitchen on Christmas Eve (by my persuading), but I managed to take zero pictures of the event.  After all the peeps left, we got ready for Santa.  Trevin used all of his will power to not devourer Santa's cookies.
Ry was ready to hit the hay so Santa could come.
First, he had to write a note and leave it by Dit the Elf to deliver to Santa.  He wanted to make sure Santa knew we would be at the cousins house on Christmas Day and to leave the presents there.
Everyone woke up excited the next morning....We actually had to wake up the boys who were sawin' logs.  Once they were up, we jumped in the car and headed to the cousin's. 
Santa came!
 Of course, we had to get a pic before we let them tear open the gifts.
 Ready, set, GO!
 Not sure what to do first..
 The dogs were excited as well.
"I got an April doll!!"  She was over the moon for that gift.
 After all the presents were opened, Jacob seemed a little sad that he didn't get his Zuthura (no idea how to spell it) game.  Pa sneakily grabbed a present from behind the tree.  Lo and behold...Santa (aka Papa & Ahwee) delivered.  Jacob played that game the entire day.  No joke.
 The dogs got a few treats...and a butt crack shot.
 Hugs for Dada
 Hugs for Mama
 Poor Sophie.  
 Jason made his famous French Toast Friday's...even though it was a Thursday.
 All of these new toys and we find Trevin playing Wipeout with Jacob's legos.  He had a hissy fit when we told him it was time to go.  He really liked Jacob's room.
 Jason playing play-doh
 Back at home we had one more surprise for Ma.
 Jason's work had made this cardboard stand-up of Ryden when he did his modeling for Skechers.  Jason asked who we should gift it to.  I didn't hesitate at all.  My mom is the only one who would truly appreciate a huge picture of her grandson.  I'm sure it has already been to the office several times...