Tuesday, December 2, 2014


We had a super chill and relaxing Thanksgiving this year.  We took a day/night trip up to Solvang which is near Santa Barbara.  We researched a few hikes and found one that was kid friendly.  Well, I wouldn't exactly call this a hike.  It was about a 5 minute walk to a waterfall that didn't have any water.  But man, the scenery was beautiful and the boys had a blast.
 They found a tree trunk that doubled as a slide.
And then one that doubled as a house.
Trevin always made sure he was holding onto Grandma's hand.
We took several breaks to climb on trees and rocks...
..and then 'finally' made it to the 'waterfall'.
I was just in awe of all of the colors.  I love seeing things that resemble Autumn.
 And you thought you could finish reading this post without seeing a karate kick picture??
We walked through the town of Solvang after our mini hike, and then decided to take the boys to the playground we went to last time we visited.
 The boys immediately found a wipeout course.
 The swings were a favorite.
 And Trevin sure did enjoy the 'kick dada in the butt' game.
 Whoa doggies!
 It was super duper hot outside, so after the park we headed to our hotel swimming pool.  Then it was out for some wine tasting and an awesome turkey dinner at the local bar (of all places).  
The next morning, before we left, we hit up the skate park.  More for the boys???
...or Jason??
Trevin does this little tongue thing when he is concentrating.  It's quite adorable.
Ryden is getting pretty good on the razor.  Now he needs to move back to the skateboard.
The little boys got bored so we left the big boy to continue with his skateboarding while we hit the playground.
 Swinging and sliding and climbing....
 He must be learning a lot in karate
...and then there is leaf head....ooookaaaayyy?
 Trevin brought two sticks up to me and placed them on the bench.  He said "Look Mama, a T for Trevin".
 Throwing rocks with Grandma. 
This camera takes such clear pics you can see all the dirt in Trevin's fingernails and crust on his face.  But that just means we had a great day!