Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas party

The Shabani's threw their annual Christmas party and boy, did they not disappoint!  It was so much fun!  Tons of kids running around everywhere, a sushi chef, and lots of champagne.  
My girl, Tessa.  She is the sweetest!  I would randomly feel someone hugging me from behind and it was always her.  We are best friends.
Miss Angie and Megan
Of course, what is a Christmas party without......
He brought each of the kids a present and let them sit on his lap (or next to him).
This year, we were more excited to see Santa.  Big step from last year.
 I got to hang with Santa also.
 I have so many awesome mommy friends.  I am lucky!
 J has even racked up some cool dads to chill with.
 The beautiful hostess.  She throws one kick-arse party!  Love you Courtney!