Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas in Tucson: Take 2

We can't go to Tucson without a trip to the bowling alley.  So we called up our cousins and had them meet us.  We were going to go to the zoo instead, but it was like Gone With The Wind outside.  No thank you.  
When we arrived at the bowling alley, Emma and Trev showed us some dance moves
 Let the games begin!
 Jacob was a great helper for Trevin
 My friend Marcy showed up with her kids.  Baby brother was much nicer to Trevin this time around.  Maybe it was because Trev kept his distance and Miles was too enthralled with the balls. 
 Off to play some video games
 Not sure an over-hand throw is the best skee ball strategy 
 Ry looks so professional
 Clear the way!
Nice action shot...and yes, Marcy is drinking a bloody Mary in the background.  Mine is the empty glass next to hers.  We are party animals.