Sunday, December 28, 2014

Candy Cane Lane

There is this cute little neighborhood in El Segundo that has the whole block lit up with lights.  Its a short walk through to see all of the houses so we decided to venture out after Ryden's karate test.  We met up with our Smith homies.  Angie and Trev love each other.  She knows the way to his heart and usually always has cookies for him.  
 And of course....Tess & Trev
Our other friends John and Yumi came out to see the lights as well.  They also love the boys...
 Peace, love, dove house for PT Patti
 This pic is blurry but still cute.
 Like pulling teeth to get them to smile for a picture
 This idea was to simulate the Backstreet Boys.  Well done.
 "Stand by Frosty".  Or completely cover him.
 Clark Griswold must live in this house..
 Yumi and her homeboy, Trevin
 Can't visit Candy Cane Lane and not get a candy cane to eat.