Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas play and "snow"

Trevin's preschool class did their little performance and it was amazing.  Trevin got down with his bad self.  They sang this snowman song and had a musical breakdown where the kids had to dance.  And boy did Trevin dance (as many of you already know from the FB video).
They also sang Rudolph which was equally as amazing.  He was so animated and happy.
Doing his celebrity strut after the performance.  No pictures please.
 That night, Angie and I took the kids to The Grove in LA to see it "snow".  Trevin insisted on wearing his Santa hat and skeleton sweatshirt.  
  The Grove is an outdoor mall that was decorated to the T for Christmas.  It would even put the Grinch in the Christmas spirit.  Lights everywhere.  There was even a water light show set to Christmas music.  Ry and Liv could've stayed there all night watching that thing.
 She even made sure to point Ryden's eyes in the upward direction so he wouldn't miss the Santa sleigh hanging above them.
 Massive tree...
(Take note of Olivia in each picture.  Always with her arm around Ryden or right next to him)
 So many lights everywhere!
 "Mama, I please have ONE candy at the candy store?"
 Lovebirds Ry and Liv
 Lovebirds Trev and Lollipops
 These two had the funniest poop and toot conversations while waiting for our food.
 "Mama I marry Tessa"
Then the kids got a hold of the camera....
 Trevin kept shouting Olivia's name until she took a pic of him.
 The kids were pretty hyper after dinner so we headed to go see the "snow".
 It was so magical!  Lights, music, etc.  The little ones were going crazy!  They were so excited!
 Ryden and Liv were staring at the water like an old married couple.
 Tessa and Trev starting fighting over a pole.  Really?  A pole?  There are thirty other ones right next to that one ya crazies!
 We let the kids go pick out a piece of candy from Dylan's Candy bar.  Sweet Ryden picked out a pencil.  "Mama, this will go great with my new desk".  Umm...ok?  Frickin' $6 pencil but better than being hopped up on sugar.
 I think we just made another tradition.  It's a good thing our kids get along so well..