Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Auntie Mel's Day

Auntie got married to her Prince Charming last weekend.  The wedding was amazing and the bride was so beautiful!  It took place in Temecula at the cutest venue ever!  It was all outdoors with lots of green for the boys to run wild and a cute little vintage house to make the setting perfect.  The weather was gorgeous and everyone had an amazing time.  Well done Auntie!  Warning:  I really failed at my picture taking this time.  I was busy being the Maid of Honor and J was busy chasing the boys around.  But here are a few...
The girls
I never get to wear my hair up so I took the chance to have someone do it for me.  I LOVED it so I had to take a thousand pics to remember it
On to the wedding....Can you believe this is one of the only pics I got of the bride and groom??  Nice one Nick!
Hugs for Grandma...
The guests...
The best family pic we could manage
Trev giving his "I know I'm doing stuff I shouldn't" look
Hayden was super sweet to watch the boys for awhile so Mama could partake in some champagne before her speech!
So nervous!  But at least I went before Jason and his RAP!  He won over the crowd!  Didn't get a picture of it but did get a video which is currently on YouTube...
Mother/Son and Father/Daughter dance
Ryden and his friend
Then it was time to dance!  Ry was showing off his sweet moves
Trev was all danced out
Yes...another hair pic
Cake time!
No cake for me...just champagne...in a wine glass
Best Mother in law ever
One of Mel's bridesmaids couldn't make it so I was lucky enough to walk down with two men...Both from Brazil...the one on the left helped me with my Portuguese..
...and us
Sorry for the lack of newlywed pics!!