Friday, June 21, 2013

Stinky petting zoo & Gymnastics

Trev and I decided to meet Torin, Kinen, and Jonah at the petting zoo while Ryden was having some Grandma time.  Let's just say that Trevin wasn't too thrilled.  
Jonah was a little unsure as well
Tiff was all about it...even made a new friend
Yep....Trevin was clawing at my legs ready to go away from these stinky hungry animals
But boy oh boy did he love the train ride!!!  Cutest thing ever!!  He kept waving to everyone...not just me
Crazy driver Torin
And this cornbox (yes not sandbox) was filled with corn kernels.  Corn castles anyone?  Torin had other ideas..what the?
Trevin just wanted out! he could make out with a frog
And on a Ryden note, he started gymnastics and LOVED every minute of it.  We made the mistake of letting him watch the show 'Wipeout' and now he is obsessed.  During gymnastics, I could see him picturing the floor as the Wipeout was really adorable to watch..
And it's nice that our good friend Ella is in the class too...because we do everything together