Friday, June 14, 2013

New York....Day 2

My really good friend Lindsey (known since my Tucson days) lives up in New Jersey.  She mentioned it was a simple bus ride to her house so I was all over that.  Her husband gave me detailed instructions on what to do but I was still pretty nervous using public transportation by myself.  Mainly, because I get lost in my own neighbor hood.  At the bus station I, of course, got lost several times trying to find the right window to buy my ticket but after asking many times I was pointed in the right direction.  There were only a few other people on the bus (which was one of those buses with the crazy comfortable seats) and Ry loved his first bus ride!  When we arrived (yes I made it on the right bus and got off at the right place) we went right to Lindsey's house.  Her son Reece was in awe of Ryden!
We kept trying to get the boys to go to the park but Ryden was having so much fun playing with all of Reece's toys.  Then Lindsey was kind enough to buy an episode of Wipeout for Ryden....he was in heaven.  And so was Reece...watching his big buddy
We hung out...went to lunch...and just had some good catch up time.  Then it came time to catch the bus.  Reece still followed Ryden all around while we were waiting...
We made it back safe and sound.  My first bus experience was pretty darn good.  And Lindsey told me the whole walk home, Reece kept saying "Amy!!  RyRy!!"  So he must've liked us :)