Monday, June 17, 2013

New York...Day 6

Finally, it was Saturday which meant Jason and Cupcake could hang out the entire day.  Another trip to Central Park was in our future.  On our walk down there we took a few pictures..
When we arrived at Central Park, the first thing Ryden wanted to do was show Dada the playground area he played on forever the last time..Dada took him way up on the rock hill...he loved it!

Katie and Cupcake arrived so we went exploring...It was nice having "My two dads" there to help push the stroller around
A visitor came to say hi...

Cheesy family portrait time!
Who poses like this??  Dorky
Grumpy Gus.  I don't blame him.  Kid was sick of getting his picture taken.  Get used to it!
Another thing Katie kept raving about this whole trip?  The waffles in Central Park.  We finally were able to get some.  Ok Katie...they were good...but maybe a little too hyped up.  I think its because Jason got some weird chocolate topping on it when I would have just preferred butter and whipped cream.  

There's the thumbs up again 
Andrew, Lindsey, and Reece met us and then we took the subway to New Jersey to visit a beer garden.
I could barely hold this huge mug of beer...Yarn arms
Reece was a maniac but seemed to chill a little while I was entertaining him.  So he spent most the time on my lap as we colored, looked at iphones, and ate...we are totally bff's
Ryden was passed out in the stroller almost the whole time which was surprising because it was fairly loud.  This was the only view I had of him
Not sure what is Jason's deal doing odd pics with Cupcake...
After dinner we said goodbye to the Simon's (Reece melt-down time) and Katie had some Ryden time...I was also able to capture another steller Katie picture...BROBEE FACE!  
Time for some walking...which of course, calls for a thumbs up picture...
..and a casually strolling picture
Katie was not too happy about the port-a-potty situation.  Thumbs down
Down by the river we had an awesome view of the city.  And awesome rocks for Ryden to play 'Wipeout' on..and of course...thousands of photo opportunities 
Whoa doggies Katie
Single high fives just won't do...
Chris was in charge of the stroller
We decided to wait for the ferry to take us back vs. walking...doesn't Cupcake look like an angel sent from heaven...
Katie and I were a little tired...
Jason and Ryden were not...
Cool glasses and smootie bro
Finally....the ferry arrived!  Motion sickness Katie and Amy needed to stand with the wind in our faces...
Our last adventure was doing some shopping (trend shopping as Jason puts it).  Ry got a cake pop and Katie & Chris got new Skechers....I got to walk up these colorful stairs about 20 times with Ryden..
Only one more day in New York...which is good because I am getting writers cramp updating this blog!!