Wednesday, June 12, 2013


FAVORITE ACTIVITY:  Loves anything to do with tooting.  In the bath he makes it a point to fart and hear the bubbles and then will laugh and laugh!  He likes peeing in the potty like his bro.  We haven't even attempted potty training but he will pee in the potty right before his bath.  Loves choosing which diaper to wear.  Since his diapers have different patterns on them, I hold two up and he chooses.  He also has started snapping??  Don't know how he learned that but every once in awhile he will point, snap, and say some incoherent word.
FAVORITE WORDS:  Ok...we are starting to talk a little more.  Now he can say 'up' and 'out'.  Says 'blue, boo, and ra (for RyRy)'
FAVORITE BOOK:  Trev is also getting better at paying attention to stories.  At bedtime we read "On the night you were born" and "It's time to sleep my love" and he really enjoys those.  And several occasions I have found him and Ryden both sitting quietly looking at pictures in books.
DISLIKES:  Every so often we walk to the donut store in the morning for a treat.  Well now he knows where it is and every time we drive by it, or walk by it....he has to point and grunt!  And then will get a little upset if we don't stop for a donut
MAMA FAVORITE:  Today when I was at the park with the boys, I actually sat back and watched both of them play with each other on the playground for a good 20 minutes!  We pretty much had the park to ourselves and they were having the best time going up and down the slide, chasing each other, and laughing so much!  Cheesy...but I will remember that moment forever...melted my heart.
DAD FAVORITE:  Jason really likes how adventurous Trev is.  I can tell he wants him to hurry up and get a little bigger so he can take him on the fun adventures that 'just the dudes' go kayaking, skateboarding, etc...