Thursday, June 13, 2013

New York....Day 1

Jason had to work in NYC for a few days so Ryden and I decided to tag along with him.  Teresa was wonderful and agreed to watch Trevin for the whole week (I was having a little anxiety thinking about lugging both boys around the city).  Our flight was delayed for FOUR hours so we had plenty of time to play around at the airport.
The first offical day in New York was a Mama/Ryden solo day.  Jason had to work of course and so did Auntie Katie.  Since we were still on Cali time, Ry and I didn't even get out of the hotel until around 10am.  We were staying near Times Square so we did some Toys R Us (which would prove to be his favorite spot of the trip...we visited it several more times)
We rode the Ferris Wheel which was pretty darn cool.  
While we were riding around and around the Ferris Wheel Ryden kept pointing to several things.  Well once he said "Hey!! Look at those Gingers!!"  I said "Oh you mean those Gingerbread men" and he said "Yeah...sometimes I call them Gingers..."  Alrighty then...  So of course I made him pose by them
Kid was such a trooper.  Posed by every lame thing I asked him too...I'm such a PT Patti!  He picked out his one toy he was allowed to buy (angry bird) and we left.
Next was a brief stop at the M&M store.  Trev would've gone NUTS in this store!  Ry calmly looked at everything and picked out one small packet of M&M's to buy.  Such self control
After more sight-seeing, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner with the whole crew.  Katie and Cupcake both made it down to meet us.  Ryden loved that Chris's name was Cupcake...
Then we all walked to the heart of Times Square after dinner...yes exactly where Ryden and I were all day....and yes we did stop back at Toys R Us AGAIN!  One more angry bird for Ry because Dada is a sucker
Katie and I LOVE making people pose stupidly for pictures.  And Katie is happy to oblige when I tell her to say CHEESE by some lame puppets...
Usually Cupcake is a tough case when asked to take stupid pictures...but maybe Jason and the "Gingers" changed him....well played Jason

Day one complete...Ry was such a trooper.  Hanging with the big kids and staying up late....what a little New Yorker