Monday, June 10, 2013

New York pics just for Cody Byrne...

About two years ago, Ryden and I trucked all around NYC with Aunt Cody.  This trip I was inclined to find some of the memories from that outing and recreate them.  (Sorry...a lot of inside jokes)
(although not sure he was mexican at all...and Woody wanted in on it too..)
I really tried hard to recreate the snow cone pic...this was the best I could do
Mercedes Benz outfit
Pink Panther saxophone player under the bridge!  I must've made Katie go under 50 bridges until I found the right one!
Shake Shack!!!
Throwing money into the fountain (different fountain...same excitement)
Countless hours walking around while Ry sucked on his fingers and held Brobee
And finally....up and down the escalator.  This time it was at Toys R Us instead of FAO...