Friday, June 14, 2013

New York...Day 3

Auntie Katie finally had a few days off work so she was with us for the next four days straight!  We LOVED every minute of it.  Ryden and I had our own personal tour guide and she was the most fun to hang out with.  Of course, we had to explore Central Park and Katie knew the way around like a true New Yorker.  Lots and lots of playtime at the playground....
Katie climbed all over that darn thing with Ryden...
Then we went to the zoo to grab some lunch.  After eating we quickly decided we weren't in the mood for the zoo so went on to explore the park more.  
Katie and I are also big fans of the 'casually walking' pictures...I made her stroll through the park, stare at the band, while I snapped away...well played Katie
Snow cone time!!!
Every time Ryden had any sugar he would immediately spazz out and Katie would chant "Sugar high!!"
Ryden must've strolled around this three 150 times while Katie and I sat on the bench with a great view of the local hip hop crew performers...
More walking and exploring.  Katie taught me the game "Tourist or local"....Apparently, we are total tourists in this picture!  I must say I was happy when a few people stopped us to ask for directions.  So maybe I was starting to look like a local after all...until I gave them a blank stare.  Luckily, Katie would jump in and then I would add a few words just to make myself look cool.  
Makin' Katie pose by the tourist move!!!
No way...we are total locals...we play bowling in the park with our kid...
And we casually stroll through the park...while people take our pictures
We found the Bubble Man and I thought Ry would be super stoked!  But apparently Ryden left and Grumpy Gus took his place.  He did NOT want to get out of the stroller and see the bubbles...
So Bubble Man decided to try....a little too close for comfort buddy!
Not the reaction poor Bubble Man hoped for....he just wanted to turn Ry into a human bubble....
So he just had to get another volunteer.  Way to take one for the team Katie...(Cody will get a kick out of Katie's nose in the second picture with her in the bubble.  Is she related to a Muppet?)
After I got enough laughs from the Bubble Man, we got Grumpy Gus a pretzel and that lightened his mood
More 'lame posing' pictures.  I played a mean twinkle the crowd going and a few tips.  Ok, there was no crowd..or tips
Finally, we had had enough walking around and sun so we started to head out.  But of course Ryden wanted to play in the playground part one more time before we left.  It was my turn to follow him around the whole park..

Katie raved about several things we had to do while in New York...we checked Mr. Softee off the list (or was it Mr. Frostee?  I kept getting the name wrong which Katie quickly corrected me).  This ice cream was amazing!  We are so locals!  
I was sad to see the day end but knew we had several more days of fun planned!!  Much better when you have your cousin/sister/Auntie there to enjoy the city with...