Sunday, June 16, 2013

New York....Day 5

By checking the weather, Katie and I determined we would save the Natural History Museum for Friday when it was going to rain.  We thought we were so cleaver.  Unfortunately, all of New York seemed to have the same bright idea.  The place was a mad house!  The line to get in was ridiculous and people were waiting in the rain.  Good thing I had tour guide to the max with me who knew of another entrance that nobody was in line for.  SCORE!  Although it was busy...we still had an awesome time looking at all the exhibits...
It was fun to see how much we would weigh on the different planets and stars...
Pretty sure I would have to be on a permanent diet if I lived on the sun!
Ryden's favorite area....had tons of trees and different animals hidden in them.  He loved trying to locate each one...
Although, not sure that room could compete with the video of the jellyfish he wanted to watch over and over while lounging in his stroller
We stopped for a quick bite to eat....the kid asked for just an apple.  Don't let that fool you....the kid would sell his little brother for some ice cream...ok maybe not
I laid on this ground for awhile trying to get a decent picture of the huge whale hanging above our heads...
The rest of the time we spent playing "frogger" to avoid crashing into the 1000 other people looking at the exhibits
Ryden started getting a little grumpy so Katie busted out the tickle fingers
View of Central Park
"Hey Katie...stand by that elephant and pose like an elephant....ummm ok?"
Grumpy gus finally passed out so Katie and I took some solo shots (did I ever mention how much Katie loves the thumbs up pictures? do I)
Shout out for my AZ peeps
So since Ryden was sleeping...I had the brilliant idea of walking back to my hotel instead of waking him up to take the subway and bus.  Not a bad idea...except it rained pretty hard the whole walk home!  Katie was kind enough to share her umbrella but by the time we got there, my right side was soaking wet and her left side was.  Not to mention Ryden was pretty soaked in the stroller.  Oh well...good experience.  
That evening, we decided to go to the hot spot that serves some pretty darn good ramen noodles.  Some people have been known to wait 3 hours just to be seated (eh-hem...Cupcake and Katie)!  We waiting about 45 minutes.  Ryden was so good the whole time.  The rest of us drank beers and took pictures while we waited..
I must say the place didn't disappoint...have to have at least one food picture right?
Time to go back into the rain...this time we decided to take a cab back to the hotel..
Back at the hotel, we stopped by the lobby and had a nightcap (who calls it that?).  Ryden entertained himself with the help of his BFF...
A little rain didn't stop us from having another great day!!