Monday, June 30, 2014

More fun with the cousins

The next day, the boys wanted to go to the beach but we decided to make a pitstop at the Seaside Lagoon.  They have water slides and fun stuff to do.  Trev liked hanging with his big cousins.

  Emma liked to play in the sand
Ryden preferred playing in the sand with Ben over being in the water.  Too stingy on his legs..
Sara got some great shots of Jacob sliding down the slide....hilarious dismount 
 The kids got bored of the lagoon and really wanted to go to the real beach so we headed out.  We stopped for lunch and some treats first.  Jacob was really diggin' his legoland cookie.
 The beach was perfect.  Trev was assed out on the blanket the whole time, so Sara and I got to lay in the sun while Jason and Steve took the other kids in the ocean..
Sleeping beauty
Water babies
Ben and Steve getting wiped out by a wave
Bathing beauty
Diggin a "pool"
 Total beach bum.  This kid was in the water the whole time!
 Seaweed Queen
 Trevin finally woke up just in time to enjoy a few dips in the ocean
 Ry and Em were having a grand ole time playing 'boat' on the seaweed
 My two little dudes
We left the beach and everyone freshened up.  Emma made sure to stay close to her homegirl, Molly.
 So fresh and so clean
 Onward, to dinner, to celebrate the birthday girl!  Here she is opening her card from me and Cody.
 And here I am, taking a picture of Emma's art work because I was super impressed with the rainbow accents.
 Ben and Ryden...ole buddies ole pals
 My girl, Emma, made us matching necklaces from pipe cleaners.  
 Cheers to Sara.  Happy Birthday!
 Time for the birthday song.  Jason looks WAY too into that cake.
 Trev is WAY into singing
 Sara so kindly sharing her whipped cream with the little boy
 Birthday hugs for Aunt Sara
 After dinner, we headed down to the pier to catch the sunset.
The Davies clan
 Us...and our 'too much sun' looks
 This might be one of my favorite pictures of these two...lookin' like brothers...
 Watching the surfers
 ..aaaannnnddd just what we need.  MORE SUGAR!
 What a fun time we had with our cousins...and lollipops....