Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Austin...Iphone version

Here are some pics captured through everyones phones.
Sweatin' at the X Games
Passed out..on the ground..during skateboarding..at the X Games
Group shot at the pickle/hot dog place
There are no words for this picture...
 Yee-haw Trev!  
 Ry getting eaten by a dinosaur
 Ryden and Grandma painted a cat house for Nacho and Strawberry
 Bike riding in the beautiful Austin outdoors
 No big deal...just a deer chillin' right by us on our bike ride
Nice moves Nick
 Trevin tormenting his tired brother
More outdoor fun
 BBQ night of regret
 This day was amazing!  Kayaking through the lake
 Row..row..row your boat
Ninja turtle family
Jason and I totally jumped off that bridge in the background...we have video proof
 And we had to ride the train of course!
 Austin was amazing.  Such a fun place and Mel and Nick showed us a wonderful time!