Monday, June 16, 2014

Austin...Day 1

After our New York adventure was over, we got on the plane and headed to Austin for a weekend visit to Auntie and Nick's neck of the woods.  Teresa had arrived, with Ryden, a day earlier.  We were all so excited to see each other but quickly realized that Austin was flippin' hot!  So we took the boys across the street to play in the water area.
 Trevin really enjoyed sitting on the water spout things...
 Ryden really enjoyed doing his impression of Papa.
 We decided to go play on the playground for a few minutes with Auntie and then once we got good and sweaty...we headed to the pool.
 Trev was happy perfecting his spin move jumps.
And Ry was perfecting his cannonballs...sometimes over Dada's head.
 The pool was so perfect.  A great way to end our first day in Austin.
 Of course, we had to do some wrestle mania before bed time...poor Auntie and Dada
 I think they missed each other...