Sunday, June 29, 2014

The cousins come to visit

The Davies Family were headed up to San Francisco and decided to make a pit stop in Manhattan Beach to visit us.  It was a super short trip but we loved having them here.  They arrived in the evening on Friday so we just chilled and had a picnic in our backyard/garage.
 After a quick dinner, we headed to the park across the street to get out some energy and show off our scooter/bike skills.
 Ryden quickly showed his cousins how to go down the 'big' hill, so everyone had to attempt it. 
Goooo Ben!
 Jacob's turn
 Emma had already wiped out about two time before I was a little nervous.  But she did great
 Tevie turn
 Not sure what Ryden is attempting to do here...
 And then Trevin just started to push his scooter down the hill and watch it bail.
Ben is such a good older out for the little ones
Seesters....and almost birthday girl
Cousins are the best
Playground time..
Almost all of us attempted to swing from this handle thing.  
Ryden was first
 Nice form Trevin
 Don't let go Emma!
 Jason always has to one up everyone
 ...and I just need help
Lookin' good Ben
 Trev dragged his entire scooter up the play structure
 Just so he could send it down the slide.  Look out below!
 Popcorn and movie night.  They made it through half the Lego Movie and then it was slumber party time.  So fun to have the cousins here.  Tomorrow is beach day!