Monday, June 9, 2014

New York...Day 1

Jason's annual work trip to New York...and this time it was Trevie's turn to come!  Ryden stayed with Grandma for a whole week so Trev could have some solo time with Mama and Dada.  I'm not going to lie..I was a little nervous since this was Trevin's first flight.  He did amazing!  Watched tv for awhile, ate snacks, played stickers, and then passed out for the remainder of the flight.
 Katie told me to call her when we landed and they would meet us for dinner if we were up to it.  We were on Cali time still so we were for sure up for it!  Katie kept telling me how excited she was to get some bonding time with Trevin.
Another Trevin concern (besides the  flight) was how he would do with the late nights of New York.  Again, he did not disappoint.  He hung with with the crew and was a perfect gentleman.  Even did several 'cheers' with us..
So happy to hang with my martini buddy!
 Such a good boy at dinner....eating his coloring book
 After that behavior, we decided to reward Trev with a trip to the M&M store.  Or Trev's eyes.  Just the lights on the store alone were mesmerizing enough..
Trevin went ape sh*t in the store.  He was so excited to see so many chocolates in one area!  
We said he could pick out one thing for himself and one thing for his brother.  He picked out a huge circle thing of M&M's for 'Tevie' and a notebook and pencil for 'RyRy'.  How nice.
This picture may be one of my favorites from the whole trip.  The crew posing with a stoned blue M&M and Trevie is holding his hand...classic
Then it was time to call it a night.  But first, Cupcake got a lesson from Jason on how to hold a two year old properly...
So excited to be back in NYC and to share the experience with Trevin this time.