Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New York...Day3

The next day, we thought about hopping on the subway to go somewhere and explore...but decided just to head back to Central Park.  They had the water area turned on at the playground so I took off Trev's clothes and let him run around in his underwear.  He had a blast!
 Katie and I tried to play in the water with him but Trev would say "Mama no get wet!  Mama sit!"  So we just sat back and watched.  He was running all around until he came up next to this little girl.  He stopped and starting having a full on conversation with her.  I couldn't hear what he was saying but it was something along the lines of "There's my mama...wave"...because he would point to me and then they would both wave at me.  It was adorable.
 After water play, we got dressed in our dry clothes..
 Trev laid down and poked his little face out of the side of the stroller...kinda creepy...
I think that's how he saw the popsicle cart.  I am a sucker every time!
After he devoured the popsicle he passed out.  Katie and I decided to take advantage and head to Columbus Circle to do some shopping and grab a pasty from the bakery.
Trev was STILL passed out, so we took our sugary items and headed back to Central Park.  We spotted a few empty benches and started heading towards them.  Well, these two people jacked the one we were going to sit on so we had to squeeze in the one right next to them.  I was a little annoyed.  Well, Katie and I sat there for at least 20 minutes until she leaned over and whispered "I think you are sitting next to the guy from Breaking Bad".  We did a few 'let me check if Trev is still sleeping' moves to see if she was right.  After we determined she was, I totally geeked out and asked for a picture!  Breaking Bad is one of my all time favorite shows!  I was completely that awkward fan and he was the nicest guy ever.
Bryan Cranston and me...#ImSoAwkward
I got out of there as fast as I could after the picture because I always feel like I am bothering them even though he was talking to me like a normal person.  I immediately regretted half of the lame things I said but oh well... It was a pretty cool moment.  Katie and I found another bench to sit at while Trev still slept.  Yes, he slept for about two hours in the stroller!  Then it was time for dinner and some thumb wars..
Cupcake met us for dinner and then we made him accompany us to Toys R Us.  I love that Katie commits to any photo I tell her to...
 Trev is getting pretty good at posing as well...
 Feeding a minion to a minion....hmmm
 Katie is always so drawn to these darn puppets!!
Last years trip (2013)
The SAME puppet...a year later.
 Times Square was a mad house!  But I had to get one shot of all the lights!
 We went back to my hotel for a night cap (who uses that word still besides the Cupcake family?)  Trev was soooo good.  I set up a ramp at the table and he played skateboards while we sipped our cocktails and talked.  
 Jason was suppose to meet up with us to join the party but that never happened.  But we had such a great time hanging and talking.