Sunday, June 15, 2014

New York...the last day

Aunt Katie had to work on our last day, so I decided to venture out on my own and take Trev to the Central Park (yes...again).  I was so proud of myself for not getting lost.  A big shout out to google maps!
The zoo is pretty small, so I had to really make sure we didn't just breeze through the whole thing.  We stopped by each duck and penguin to chat for several minutes.
 While walking through the zoo, I noticed an eagle statue that looked familiar.  I realized it was the same statue that our friend Max had 2010.  So, of course, I made Trev pose by it.
Max..circa 2010
Trev...circa 2014
The zoo was just super crowded with all of the kids field Trev and I did a few more activities (walking on a 'spider web' and 'feeding' animals) and then we were out of there!
 He was much happier doing 'cool tricks' at the exit of the zoo.
After Auntie Katie got off work, she was so gracious to meet us for dinner.  We decided to take Trev to Toys R Us after dinner to ride the ferris wheel.  The ride lasted forever!  I wanted to barf.  Even Trev was like "I get off now"
 We posed one more time by the candy king and then it was time to go home.  Seriously, I have the BEST time on these New York trips.  Thank you Katie for holding my hand around New York.  It wouldn't be the same without you.  Trevin did amazing!  I think he enjoyed being an only child for a few days....