Saturday, June 14, 2014

New York...Day 4

We headed BACK to Central Park the next day.  We seemed to be drawn to the water area and this time I was prepared with a bathing suit for Trev.  This time, Trevin let us interact with him for a few minutes...
 Then he said "Mama you no get wet!"  So we were forced to sit on the sidelines and watch.  Every so often, he would run up...say hi...then take off again.
 After Trev was waterlogged, we got him dressed and were on a hunt to find the waffle cart.  Katie was pretty much shaking because it was the 4th day and we still hadn't eaten a darn waffle...her obsession.  I got Trev some ice cream to hold him over..
 The glorious waffle...
 I am trying to let Trev's hair grow a little bit so right now it falls right in his eyes.  Hence, the tonyhail I put in so he could see while he played skateboards.
Then it was time to show Trevin the BIG piano.  I took Ryden circa 2011 and he wanted nothing to do with it (see below picture)  I was actually pregnant with Trevin last time we were on that piano
Trevin LOVED it!
 We strolled around FAO for awhile and played (and posed) with toys.  Nice commitment Katie.
Annnnd here is another puppet on Katie's hands.
This Despicable Me toy would play music and sing a song.  Trev must've danced in front of it for about 20 minutes.  Feel the beat.
One more picture by the toy store guy holding the door.
Back to Central Park for an quick evening stroll and some photo ops.
 Then Katie accompanied me back to the hotel.  This is what happens to Trev's hair after we take out tonyhails.
We met Jason and cupcake for drinks at our favorite Tom Burgeron bar...then we ate some burritos at Chipotle.  Classy peeps we are.  Another NYC day in the books!